Mommy Makeover

Case ID: 3442

Individual results may vary.

Case Details

Procedure: Mommy Makeover

This 49-year-old female had a lift with implants placed as well as supportive material placed years prior and multiple surgeries to try and correct capsular contracture and droop. Her right implant ended up lower than her left. She now presented unhappy three years after her last surgery. She also was unhappy with her tummy after two pregnancies. We went to surgery for a classic mommy makeover, replacing her implants with 385cc Allergan high profile gummy bear implants, suturing her capsule on the right to raise the pocket up even with the left and liposuction of the central abdomen and full tummy tuck. Nine months later she looks and feels great and the tops of her breasts are now much more even!
Procedure: Mommy Makeover

This 31 year old with 2 kids is a great example of a mommy makeover. She set a goal of losing weight prior to surgery and she achieved it. We did a mastopexy with 360cc saline implants, liposuction of the hips, inner and outer thighs and abdomen, with an abdominoplasty as well. Her photos are now 14 months post op.
Procedure: Mommy Makeover

This 47 year old woman presented for the basics of a Mommy Makeover: Breasts and Tummy. She had four pregnancies and her youngest was 20 years old. She ran marathons but did not feel comfortable wearing a bikini. She was a C cup and was looking for a bit more “fill”, maybe a D. We ended up putting Allergan 270 style 10 gel implants in through the underarm as well as a tummy tuck. By one month she was back up to a 6 mile run.
Procedure: Mommy Makeover
Procedure: Mommy Makeover

39 yr. old mother of 5 kids by 5 C-sections ready to get her body back! She felt she had gone as far as she could with exercise. She decided on a full makeover and we did Liposuction of the hips, abdomen and inner thighs (for a total out of 3,200cc), a Brazilian Full Mastopexy with 510cc regular profile silicone gel implants, going from a C cup to a DD, and a Full Abdominoplasty. Quite a day. She also continued to lose a bit of weight after surgery, giving her even more of a contoured result.
Procedure: Mommy Makeover

Another very active mother who could not seem to get her tummy to tighten up…after 5 kids! As shown, she hated bending over and feeling her loose tummy skin. She underwent breast augmentation with saline implants and a full Tummy Tuck.

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