Serving Scottsdale, Phoenix, Gilbert, Mesa, Chandler And Arizona
Why Choose Dr. John Corey for Your Breast Implant Removal Procedure?
In a perfect world, your breast implants would last for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, very few things in life last forever, and breast implants are no exception. Like most other medical devices, breast implants eventually wear out over time and will need to be replaced. The good news is that modern advances in breast implant technology allow you to enjoy your beautiful breast augmentation results for a very long time.
If you feel that it is time to replace your breast implants, it is important to work with a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience performing breast implant revision/replacement procedures. There are significant differences between an initial breast augmentation procedure and a revision procedure, and your surgeon must have the skill set to handle the unique challenges associated with breast implant replacement. However, in your initial investigation you may have called to other offices and found that there are many other surgeons, even Board Certified, that do not like to work on patients with previous implants unless they did the original surgery.
There are several reasons for this. Many times, revision breast surgery can be the most challenging because of changes in scar tissue, native breast tissue or in the implant itself. Records can be lost and so there is no information to go on when planning the next surgery. Some patients have had a series of bad luck or bad outcomes that make them very anxious and hesitant to seek out help. And financially too, patients have already spent money on their breasts and now feel somewhat unnerved at the thought of having to now spend more! For all these reasons, it is crucial to find a surgeon who performs these types of procedures on an almost daily basis! As with almost all medical specialties, making the correct diagnosis is critical. Without it, the correct solution is merely a guess and Dr. Corey relies on years of experience and volume to make that all-so-important diagnosis. It is his specialty.
Scottsdale breast surgeon Dr. John Corey is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has more than three decades of experience performing breast implant revision and replacement procedures. The best way to learn about your implant replacement options is to speak with him in person. It helps as well to bring in as much information as you can from your previous surgeries. Please call 480.767.7700 or contact John J. Corey, MD online to schedule a consultation. We welcome breast implant revision patients from Phoenix, Chandler, and all surrounding areas of Arizona.
Common Reasons for Breast Implant Revision/Replacement:
Dr. Corey usually sees changes in one of 3 areas that may lead to a Breast Implant revision. First, it may be the implant that needs replacing. Second, it may be the surrounding capsule of the body's own scar tissue that needs adjustment. And lastly, it may be the breast tissue that has changed and in need of lifting or tightening. It may be one of these things or it can be all three!!!
Breast Implants
Regarding implants, breast implant technology is always evolving and improving. As a result, we expect to see a continued increase in the lifespan of breast implants over the next few years. Currently, it is common for breast implants to last 15 years or more. However, there are a variety of reasons why you may choose to replace your breast implants, including:
- Breast implant rupture – Saline breast implants deflate when they rupture, which can cause breast asymmetry. Because most of the time with these types of implants, when they deflate...they REALLY deflate and essentially disappear. When this happens, the surrounding capsule of scar tissue starts to shrink down as well and can become more difficult to surgically manage and lead to a more difficult recovery. Dr. Corey will work to schedule your appointment quickly so that you can restore your appearance as soon as possible. A rupture will not be as noticeable with silicone breast implants since they do not deflate. Therefore, Dr. Corey recommends getting an MRI periodically to ensure your silicone implant hasn't ruptured. Unlike with saline implants, there usually is not the "urgency" that we see with saline. When some of the older types of silicone implants (1970's and early 1980's) are ruptured, Dr. Corey is well versed at the removal of this less cohesive and more "syrupy" type of silicone gel.
- Desire for a different style or size of implant –This is one of the most common reasons for implant replacement. Many women eventually desire a change in implant size, either up or down and maybe even a change in the shape of their breasts, which many times can be achieved with just a change in breast implant. Many women had breast implants placed back when saline filled implants were the only option available to them and now, years later they are beginning to see wrinkling or rippling from their saline implants. They may now want to change to a silicone product to help reduce this, using one of the many form-stable products.
Capsule / Scar Tissue:
The capsule is simply a sac of your own scar tissue that your body forms when it recognizes that this breast implant is not you! Think of it as a ziplock bag that completely surrounds your implant. Most of the time, this is a very thin, smooth and soft structure that again, is made from your own body and is NOT part of the implant. But changes can happen that are noticed by the patient and at times, it is this change in the capsule of tissue that can be the most challenging and difficult to correct.
- Capsular contracture – Some patients develop a contraction in this tissue that can become very noticeable or painful. The breast can become very hard, making the simple act of hugging uncomfortable or awkward. Often, the capsule can be softened by a procedure that makes cuts in the wall of the capsule, called capsulotomyand allows it to soften or stretch back out. In severe cases, mere cuts in the capsule are not enough and complete removal is required, called capsulectomy, and this is a much more aggressive form of treatment.
- Capsule malposition – In this instance, the capsule is not necessarily hard but is just holding the implant in a position that is not giving the breast the optimum shape. The implant can be held too high, too wide, too low, or in the case of symastia, too close together and there are different treatments for these as well. Capsulotomy can be one way to get an implant to move but one of the more difficult things to treat is when a capsule is holding the implant too low. It can be a challenge to get an implant to go against gravity and stay uphill. A procedure called capsulorrhaphy can be used in most cases to suture the capsule closed in the area where we do not want the implant to be. Dr. Corey believes that strict compliance is essential in getting the desired outcome and that it can be up to 12 weeks in a particular supportive bra and activity restrictions as well. At other times a tissue matrix or scaffold needs to be used, which acts like a hammock of support.
Breast Tissue:
- Sagging or drooping over time – Most women are satisfied with their initial breast augmentation results, but over time you may develop issues such as sagging which can change the way your breasts look. Your capsule may be holding the implant in a great position but instead, your own natural breast tissue has dropped off the end of the implant, giving a very low and droopy look to your nipple. It is the corrective lifting of the tissue where Dr. Corey relies heavily on hybrid techniques learned during his training both in the United States and Brazil.
If you begin to experience any pain or discomfort around your breast implants or if you notice undesirable changes in appearance of your implanted breasts, we encourage you to call our Scottsdale plastic surgery center to schedule a consultation with our Dr. Corey and learn more about your breast implant revision and replacement options.
Medical Complications
There are a number of reasons you may wish to consider breast implant revision surgery. Aesthetic imperfections are certainly among the top motivating factors, but so too are issues of comfort and health. While rare, breast augmentation complications can occur on occasion. Unfortunately we are seeing some of these complications as we see more and more non- Plastic Surgery Board Certified physicians performing aesthetic surgery without the proper training and experience. In many States, it is not illegal for ANY type of physician to perform cosmetic surgical procedures in the confines of their own office or clinic. Many of these practitioners only have a few operations that they feel comfortable with and then try and apply them to every situation. This approach can lead to patients being very dissatisfied with their result and even worse, a surgical complication. You may want to consider breast implant replacement if you experience one of the following complications:
- Capsular contracture
- Implant rippling or wrinkling
- Symastia
- Implant rotation
If you begin to experience any pain or discomfort around your breast implants or if you notice changes to their appearance, we encourage you to call our Scottsdale plastic surgery center to schedule a consultation with our Dr. Corey and learn more about your breast implant revision and replacement options.
Saline Breast Implant Removal without Invasive Surgery
When possible, Dr. Corey removes saline breast implants with local anesthesia alone, at our state-of-the-art plastic surgery practice. General anesthesia and the operating room are unnecessary. Saline fluid is easily drained from these breast implants, which makes their removal simple and painless. You also avoid the expense of undergoing surgery.
Who are the Ideal Candidates for Breast Implant Revision?
To be a good candidate for breast augmentation revision surgery, you must be in generally good health. As with your initial breast implant placement, good health includes being a nonsmoker. If you are a smoker, you will need to quit at least six weeks in advance of your procedure.
In addition to being a healthy nonsmoker, good candidates for breast implant revision should be:
- Prepared for a surgical procedure
- Able to take time off for recovery
- Willing to follow Dr. Corey’s pre and postoperative instructions
- Aware of all potential risks and complications
Dr. Corey will take time during your breast revision consultation to answer any questions you may have about the procedure including recovery time and surgical preparation. He will also discuss your desires and goals, and help you better understand what this procedure can help you accomplish. If you are not a good candidate for revision surgery, Dr. Corey will be happy to provide you with alternative options or work with you to determine what will be necessary to increase your chances of a successful and rewarding procedure.
How Can I Expect My Breast Implant Revision To Look Over Time?
Breast implant revision results are similar to breast augmentation results in terms of longevity. You can generally expect your breasts to retain their new fullness and shape for many years. Most modern breast implants have advanced design features that help them stand up to wear.
Keep in mind that implant revision will not prevent natural breast changes, including those associated with aging, pregnancy, and significant weight fluctuations. A good way to protect your results is to follow self-care measures such as eating well and exercising regularly. If you experience unwanted sagging or drooping over time, you may want to consider a breast lift.
How Long of a Recovery Period Can I Expect, and What Kind of Help Will I Need During My Recovery?
Many patients find it easier to recover from their revision surgery than their initial augmentation. However, that can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of your revision procedure.
In general, you will likely need several days of downtime before you can return to work. Additionally, strenuous physical activity and heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks. You will receive a detailed list of post-operative instructions and restrictions from our office.
During your breast implant revision recovery, you may need help with things such as:
- Transportation
- Childcare
- Errands
- Household chores
- Meal preparation
It is important to reach out to a friend or family member for assistance immediately after surgery. You will not be able to drive yourself, and you may need to be supervised when you get home.
What Should Be My Main Concerns When Choosing New Breast Implant Sizes?
If changing your breast implant size is one of your reasons for getting implant revision, there are several important factors to consider. Your current breast size, the presence of complications such as capsular contracture, and your desired cosmetic outcome can all impact your choice.
Many women like to go larger with their second surgery. In some cases, the right implant upgrade can achieve great results while avoiding a breast lift. Often, this involves using advanced surgical techniques to ensure the ideal implant position and upper breast fullness.
How Long Should I Wait Before Revising My Breast Implants?
Disliking the results of your initial augmentation can be disheartening. You may be unhappy with the way that your implants look or feel, or, less commonly, you may experience a surgical complication. If you are interested in revision surgery, it is best to wait at least six months. It usually takes four to six months for your breasts to settle. Sometimes it can take a little longer.
Breast implant revision and replacement can help you achieve results that you love. For personalized information about your ideal surgical timing, book a consultation with Dr. Corey.
Does Breast Implant Exchange Require Two Separate Surgeries?
Breast implant exchange is usually performed during a single procedure. In most cases, it takes just one surgery to remove old breast implants, address complications, and place new implants.
An implant exchange procedure may include techniques such as:
- Enlarging the implant pocket
- Tightening the tissue capsule
- Placing a tissue matrix for support
- Performing a partial or full capsulectomy
What Happens if I Remove My Implants and Don’t Replace Them?
In some cases, removing your implants without replacing them with new ones may be the best fit for your goals and preferences. This option is known as implant removal or explantation.
After breast implant removal, you can avoid the need for future implant surgeries, eliminate the risk of implant rupture, and potentially require less frequent or in-depth mammograms going forward. However, because this procedure can also contribute to a drooping breast appearance, it is frequently combined with breast lift surgery to achieve the best possible cosmetic outcome.
Contact us Today!
If you are considering breast implant revision surgery, please call 480.767.7700 to schedule your consultation with our board-certified Scottsdale plastic surgeon today or fill out an online contact form and our office will be in touch with you.
What Are the Risks of Breast Implant Revision Surgery?
When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, breast implant revision is a safe surgical procedure. However, just like other surgical interventions, it is not without risks. These risks include, but are not limited to:
- Bleeding.
- Infection.
- Scarring.
- Undesired cosmetic result.
- Need for multiple surgeries.
It is important to discuss your concerns with Dr. Corey prior to your procedure. Together, you can decide what type of intervention is best for you.
Is Breast Implant Revision Covered by My Insurance?
Unfortunately, in most cases, breast implant revision is not covered by medical insurance and Dr. Corey does not participate in any health insurance plans.
Is Breast Implant Revision More Complex Than the Initial Augmentation?
Both procedures can be complex, which is why it is always best to choose an experienced plastic surgeon. If breast implant revision is performed due to leaking or an even more serious complication, then the procedure could be more complicated. Again, this is why the experience level of your chosen plastic surgeon is so critical.
What Is a Capsular Contracture?
A capsular contracture is a condition in which an abnormal amount of scar tissue forms around the breast implant. This can cause the breast implant to feel firm to the touch, be oddly shaped, and possibly be painful. During revision surgery, the implant will be removed, and any scar tissue around the implant will also be excised. This procedure is called a capsulectomy, as mentioned above. When you hear the stories about your neighbor who had breast implants placed in the 1980’s and they are “rock hard”, it is this capsule of scar tissue that is hard and not the breast implant itself.
Why Would Someone Choose To Have a Breast Implant Revision?
There are several reasons why someone would choose to have breast implant revision. In some cases, patients may decide that they no longer want the same size implants. In other cases, the implant may need to be replaced due to leaking or becoming misshapen.
Is Breast Implant Revision More Expensive?
The cost of breast implant revision depends on various factors, including the needed extent of revision, and even the level of experience of the surgeon performing the revision.
How Common is Breast Revision Surgery?
Revision rates are approximately 36 percent, making it a very common procedure. However, in theory, because breast implants do not last forever, ALL patients with breast implants will require some revision or replacement at some point after their intitial surgery. It is important to note that patients have revision surgery multitude of reasons, which include undesired aesthetic results, ptosis (sagging), or the development of capsular contracture.
How Do I Prepare For Breast Revision Surgery?
The first step is having a consultation with Dr. Corey. He will discuss the pros and cons of breast implant revision and also detail how the procedure is performed. You will be provided with preoperative instructions that may include discontinuation of certain medications.