Breast Implants in Scottsdale, AZ

Serving Scottsdale, Phoenix, Gilbert, Mesa, Chandler And Arizona

Breast Enhancement

Your choice of breast implant will have a direct impact on the look and feel of your breast augmentation procedure. During your initial consultation at our Scottsdale office, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Corey will discuss all of your breast implant options to help ensure you are provided the information you need to make the decision that is best for your body.

To schedule your breast augmentation consultation, please contact John J. Corey, MD online or by calling our Scottsdale office at 480.767.7700 today. Dr. Corey welcomes breast augmentation patients from Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, and all other areas of Arizona.

Breast Implant Incisions and Placement

Dr. Corey offers three primary breast implant incision options. These are:

  • Periariolar – around the nipple in the different colored skin of the areola
  • Inframammary – along the crease where breast tissue and chest meet
  • Transaxillary – in the natural folds of the armpit

These incisions all offer unique benefits, making each better suited to different individuals. During your breast augmentation consultation, Dr. Corey will carefully listen to your aesthetic desires and discuss all incision options to help you decide on the one you feel will best meet your needs.

All three incision options allow for implant placement either directly under the breast tissue (subglandular) or behind the pectoral muscle wall (submuscular). The main difference between these placement options is where the implant is positioned relative to the breast tissue and the pectoral muscle. While this difference may seem minor, each placement option offers different advantages and yields different results. There is a third option known as “Sub-Fascial” where the implant is placed over the pectoralis muscle but beneath the layer of tissue that sits on top of the muscle. While technically “above” the muscle, it does in most cases afford an extra layer of coverage over the breast implant.

Subglandular benefits may include:

  • More dramatic results, such as sharply defined cleavage and the ability to accommodate larger implants
  • Easier procedural placement which can lead to a shorter and less painful recovery
  • Elimination of pectoral distortion when muscles are flexed, particularly beneficial to bodybuilders
Breast Implant Incision

Submuscular benefits may include:

  • More natural looking breasts with implant edges and ripples that tend to be less visible or not visible at all
  • Reduced likelihood of breasts sagging over time as a result of increased implant support
  • Reduced risk of capsular contracture (a natural bodily response to foreign objects)
  • Mammogram images that are easier to obtain and read
  • Less risk of interference with breastfeeding

When considering the advantages to each of these options, it is important to remember that there are also other factors that will influence the overall results of your breast augmentation. These include:

  • Your original breast size and your desired implant size
  • The thickness of your pectoral muscles
  • The type of implant you prefer
  • Your cosmetic and physical expectations

All of these decisions will be discussed in detail during your initial consultation with our board-certified Arizona plastic surgeon.

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Silicone and Saline Breast Implants

Both silicone gel and saline breast implants are great devices that have been used for decades. While there is not one “best” implant in all situations, each offers specific benefits that may be more attractive to individal women.

Similarities between saline and silicone breast implants include:

  • Safety – Both types of breast implant have a long history of safe and effective use. After years of research there has been no evidence to correlate breast implants and the development of autoimmune diseases such as thyroid disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Most recently researchers and physicians are looking into a very small number of patients developing a rare and somewhat less aggressive lymphoma reaction (BIA-ALCL) believed at present to be a response, not to the silicone gel or saline in an implant but rather the textured or fuzzy type of covering that was placed around the implant. For this reason, these highly textured implants were taken off the market and are no longer available. And because the high textured implants went away, so did the Tear Dropped shaped implants that used the high textured outer covering ( Natrelle® 410 Silicone Breast Implants ).
  • Outer Shell – The outer shell in both types of implants is a silicone rubber.
  • Longevity of Shell – Breast implants have a life-expectancy of 12 to 14 years, though some variance is possible. Should the need arise to replace your breast implants, Dr. Corey would be happy to discuss breast implant revision with you.
  • Warranty – All breast implants are covered by a lifetime warranty, meaning if they develop a crack or break in them, the patient receives free replacement implants for the rest of their life, and the patient can go up or down in size as well if desired. There is usually a money portion of the warranty as well, which means that during the first 10 years, if they were to develop a crack or a leak, in addition to your free implants you would also get money to help pay towards the surgery center and anesthesia costs. The specifics of these warranties varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and can be discussed in greater detail during your breast augmentation consultation.

Differences between silicone and saline breast implants include:

  • Cost  Silicone implants are typically more expensive than saline alternatives.
  • Incision and Adjustability – Saline implants are filled after they are placed, providing the dual benefit of a smaller incision and the ability to adjust the volume of each breast following implant placement. Silicone implants come prefilled at a fixed volume and will require a larger incision.
Saline or Silicone
  • Rupture and How You Will Know Saline implants empty when ruptured – typically in as little as 48 hours. Silicone implants, particularly cohesive form stable options, may not show signs of rupture at all. This may require an MRI or Ultrasound to detect ruptures in silicone breast implants but also means that ruptures are unlikely to impact aesthetic results.
  • Ripples or wrinklesSaline usually has more of a tendency to wrinkle or ripple and in very lean women, this may not be the ideal choice.

The bottom line is, there are both psychosocial and physical reasons to pick one implant over the other and neither is ideally suited for each body-type. During your initial consultation, Dr. Corey will assess your frame and the amount of your natural tissue, discuss the benefits and limitations of your breast implant options, and help you decide on the one that will best accomplish your aesthetic goals.

Simple, Painless Saline Breast Implant Removal

If your saline breast implants must be removed, Dr. Corey can usually perform the procedure at our office, without general anesthesia or the operating room. Once the saline fluid is drained, Dr. Corey can easily and painlessly remove the breast implants. This local procedure is not only minimally invasive, but also saves you the expense of undergoing surgery.

The “Gummy Bear” Breast Implant

The silicone breast implant was developed in the 1960s and began gaining much more popularity in the late 1970s. The modern silicone breast implant is very different than the earliest versions. The outer shell was very different and the silicone gel inside was very different. With the old implants, the outer shell was more “leaky”. If you were to place an old-style silicone implant on a piece of paper, leave it there for 20 minutes and pick it up, there might be a film noticed on the paper. Gross. The new ones do not do that. And with the gel inside, if you took the old implants and cut them in half with a big scissor, the silicone gel inside would leak out like a broken egg yoke, with the silicone syrup draining onto the floor. Then, in the early 2000s they figured out how to take that silicone gel and tighten it or cross-link it. They called this “Form Stable, Highly Cohesive Silicone Gel… Quite a mouthful, so the nickname they gave it was “Gummy Bear”. Honestly, the first version of “gummy bear” implants were more like Jell-O. You can cut Jell-O in half and separate it and you have two halves as well, but it’s kind of jiggly. I always joke and say they should’ve called it the “Jiggly Jell-O” implant instead of “gummy bear”, but there it was in it’s first version. Over the years they have developed tighter and more cohesive versions of the “gummy bear” implant. It’s important to note that all manufacturers today that make modern silicone breast implants use the “gummy” type silicone. The old syrupy silicone is no longer available.  I always smile when patients come into my office requesting to have the “gummy bear” type silicone implants when actually… That’s the only type silicone implant we have. Different types of cohesive silicone implants are available to touch and feel in the office.

Form Stable Breast Implants
Textured Implants
  • May ripple, wrinkle, or bubble less
  • May reduce risks for capsular contracture
  • Hold a natural breast shape
  • Do not leak when ruptured

Ultimately, it is a woman’s choice as to which implant she receives. By offering many breast implant options, Dr. Corey is able to ensure each of our breast enlargement patients is provided with the solution most suitable for her individual needs.

To schedule your breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Corey, please call 480.767.7700 today. Our plastic surgery facility is located in Scottsdale and equipped with modern amenities and comforts. We welcome patients from all areas of Arizona including Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, and Gilbert.

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To find out if you are a good candidate for plastic surgery in Scottsdale, AZ at our practice call 480-767-7700. We proudly provide cosmetic surgery and other services for Arizonans from across the Metro Area and the entire state, including Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler and Gilbert.

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