Mommy Makeover in Scottsdale, AZ

Serving Scottsdale, Phoenix, Gilbert, Mesa, Chandler And Arizona

Motherhood is one of the most rewarding experiences of your lifetime, but it also requires a great deal of sacrifice. While putting your children’s needs first is absolutely the right approach to take, it can sometimes be to the detriment of your own needs and well-being. It is common to neglect your nutrition, exercise, and sleep due to the demands of parenthood. While the joys of being a mother make these sacrifices well worth it, they also can take their toll on your body.

These factors compound the impact caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Often it can be very difficult to restore your body to its pre-pregnancy form, especially after having multiple children. If you feel it is time to make looking your best a priority again, then a mommy makeover may be a perfect option for you.

Find out more about mommy makeovers here:

Dr. John Corey can perform a customized mommy makeover that will help you regain the youthful, fit appearance you enjoyed before having children. The best way to determine which procedures are right for your mommy makeover is to speak with Dr. Corey in person. Please call 480.767.7700 today to schedule your consultation at our Phoenix plastic surgery office.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover consists of one or more plastic surgery procedures designed to help you reverse the changes to the body caused by pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and the rigors of full-time parenthood. Many of the changes caused by childbirth impact the breasts and stomach, but in some instances Dr. Corey may recommend procedures that will address other areas of your body as well.

Dr. Corey will listen carefully to your aesthetic goals and assess your body type in order to recommend a customized treatment plan for your mommy makeover. Depending on your unique needs, your mommy makeover may include a combination of the following procedures:

  • Liposuction to remove fat deposits from the legs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, flanks and neck
  • Tummy tuck to tighten abdominal muscles, trim the waist, and remove loose and sagging skin
  • Breast augmentation to restore symmetry and volume to the chest
  • Breast lift to eliminate sagging skin and restore a lifted and perky appearance

Not all mommy makeover procedures will require each of these options, but most will include at least two or three. During your initial consultation at our Scottsdale office, Dr. Corey will assess your frame to help you determine which options will produce the results you desire.

Do I Need a Mommy Makeover?

Each woman responds differently to pregnancy and mommy makeover surgery is not always necessary for optimal results. If a single procedure will be effective at producing the look you wish to achieve, a single procedure will be recommended. Dr. Corey will work directly with you to make sure you are receiving only those treatments that will be effective in the actualization of your goals.

Your mommy makeover can have a dramatic impact on your appearance, helping you restore the fit, youthful appearance you once enjoyed. It is common to be able to fit into clothes you haven't worn in years, and many of our patients comment that they love the way they look in a bikini after their surgery.

A mommy makeover is usually best for women that have experienced bodily changes because of pregnancy, including changes to your breasts, abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, and more. If you have tried diet and exercise and aren’t noticing the desired change in your appearance, then you may be a perfect candidate for a mommy makeover.

Am I a Good Mommy Makeover Candidate?

A mommy makeover is a combination of many surgical procedures and, just like any surgery, means that a person must be in good health. A mommy makeover should never be treated as a weight loss option, but as a solution after you’ve attempted to change your body through diet and exercise. Good candidates for a mommy makeover procedure should be:

  • Close to their ideal weight – you should be near the normal expected Body Mass Index (BMI) for your height and weight through diet and exercise
  • In generally good physical health – in your pre-operative evaluation, our doctor will ensure that you are healthy-enough for this procedure by checking your heart, lungs, and other imperatives
  • Nonsmoker – smoking does not bode well for your overall health, so we recommend that any person considering a mommy makeover procedure be a nonsmoker or at least be willing to give up smoking for several weeks prior to and after your procedure
  • Finished having children – the results achieved during a mommy makeover can be negated if you should become pregnant again, so it is in your best interest to wait to undergo a mommy makeover until you’re done having children
  • Prepared to undergo a complex surgical procedure – this means that you understand that a surgical procedure requires preparation and recovery, including several weeks of downtime
  • Willing to closely follow Dr. Corey’s pre and postoperative directions

It is important to remember that recovery from mommy makeover surgery will require some physical limitations. You will be limited from picking up anything over ten pounds including your children for a minimum of six weeks. If you have small children, it is best to arrange for a trusted adult to help with household obligations during the first few weeks. This can be discussed in greater detail during your initial consultation with Dr. Corey.

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Is the Mommy Makeover Procedure Painful?

All of the procedures commonly included in a mommy makeover are performed under general anesthesia. General anesthesia induces a sleep-like state and prevents you from feeling pain.

It is normal to experience discomfort after mommy makeover surgery. Your experience will vary depending on the procedures that you included in your surgical plan. Our surgeon will prescribe pain medication for the early stages of your recovery to make you as comfortable as possible.

When Can I Return to Work After My Mommy Makeover?

You can generally expect to need at least two weeks off to recover. If your job involves heavy lifting or is physically demanding, it could be up to six weeks before you can return to work.

Factors such as your rate of healing and the number of procedures you have done will play a role. You will receive a better estimate from Dr. Corey when you agree on a surgical plan.

When Is the Best Time To Have a Mommy Makeover?

The best time to have a mommy makeover is when you finish having children. Future pregnancies can impact your results and result in the desire for secondary surgeries. A Mommy makeover can also be performed after dramatic weight loss to help address unwanted changes.

It is important not to rush into these procedures. Wait at least six months after giving birth before pursuing a mommy makeover. Your body will need time to heal and reach a new baseline. If you are having surgery after losing weight, make sure that your weight is stable before proceeding.

I Have a Hernia, Will This Complicate My Mommy Makeover?

Hernia repair can often be performed at the same time as a tummy tuck. Generally, this is done at the discretion of your plastic surgeon. It is important to evaluate the type, location, and extent of the hernia to know whether it is appropriate to treat your hernia during a mommy makeover.

Are There Any Risks Involved With This Procedure?

All surgeries carry risks. However, mommy makeover surgery is generally considered safe when it is performed by an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. John Corey.

Your safety is our top priority. We will not schedule a surgery that exceeds the safe upper limit. Instead, we may adjust the combination to make sure that your procedures finish in a reasonable amount of time. In addition to this measure, our plastic surgeon will thoroughly vet your candidacy. Doing so will involve evaluating your general health status and risk factors.

What a Mommy Makeover Can Accomplish?

Pregnancy and nursing impacts each woman’s body in different ways. However, many of these changes cannot be undone through diet and exercise alone. A mommy makeover picks up where traditional methods fail, addressing stubborn fat deposits, bulky and loose skin, and changes to the perkiness and volume of the breasts. In some cases, this procedure can even eliminate or significantly minimize the appearance of stretch marks.

Your mommy makeover procedure will be customized to meet your specific needs and tailored to create the look you most desire. It may include breast augmentation and lift, liposuction and a tummy tuck procedure. Dr. Corey works individually with each patient to ensure the most effective treatments and produce desirable and lasting results.

Once recovery is complete and you see your mommy makeover results, most women experience the following:

  • Improved self esteem
  • Improved confidence

Why Choose Dr. Corey?

When undergoing a combination of plastic surgery procedures, it is important to work with a Board Certified plastic surgeon that possesses the skills, training, and experience to deliver the beautiful, natural looking results you deserve. When you choose Dr. Corey, this is precisely the level of care you receive.

Dr. Corey is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He has served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center in Phoenix and is an accomplished lecturer and an Affiliate Assistant Professor at Midwestern University. He also received extensive post-graduate plastic surgery training in Brazil, and he has incorporated the Brazilian emphasis on an artistic approach to plastic surgery into his practice. He will use his decades of performing plastic surgeries to give you the best care available. Currently he serves as president of the Arizona chapter of ASPS.

How Soon After Delivery Can I Have a Mommy Makeover?

Pregnancy and delivery can cause unwanted physical changes, so you may be eager to restore your figure right away. But the postpartum recovery period is crucial — and shouldn’t be rushed.

You should generally wait six months to one year after delivery before getting a mommy makeover. Doing so will allow your body to heal from the stress and demands of childbirth.

Waiting to get a mommy makeover has another key benefit. It will give you a better idea of which postpartum concerns may improve on their own, and which ones may require plastic surgery to correct. After all, your body needs some time to reach a stable size and shape.

Can I Have Children After a Mommy Makeover Surgery?

A mommy makeover won’t affect your ability to have children. You can still have kids after undergoing these breast and body procedures. However, it may not be in your best interest.

Future pregnancies can negatively impact your cosmetic results. You may experience the same changes that motivated you to schedule a mommy makeover in the first place. These changes can include things like stretched skin, pockets of unwanted fat, and torn abdominal muscles.

Achieving your body goals after another pregnancy may require surgery. However, with a bit of planning, you can avoid additional procedures and protect your initial investment in yourself.

How Is The Recovery After a Mommy Makeover?

The recovery time after a mommy makeover largely depends on what procedures are involved. It can also depend on your rate of healing, lifestyle, and other factors unique to your situation.

In general, you should expect to need several weeks off work. You will have to follow activity restrictions, which will include not lifting heavy objects or exercising for a specific period of time.

Swelling and bruising are normal side effects of these procedures. You can minimize them by engaging in light activity, sleeping with your upper body elevated, and taking other aftercare measures as recommended.

Your results should be visible after these side effects subside. Keep in mind that it can take longer for your scars to fade and your final outcome to appear.

Is It Safe To Combine Procedures in a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeovers are considered safe when performed by experienced surgeons. It is important to realize that these individualized combinations of breast and body procedures require a high level of skill.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon who has been practicing in Arizona since 1993, Dr. Corey understands how to minimize potential risks. He strives to maintain high safety standards while achieving outstanding cosmetic results for his patients.

How Do You Prepare for a Mommy Makeover?

What you do before your mommy makeover will set the stage for your recovery and results. To support your success, our practice will provide a very specific set of pre-operative guidelines. However, many patients find it helpful to know what to expect long before their consultation.

In general, you may need to complete the following steps to prepare for a mommy makeover:

  • Stop smoking
  • Reach your ideal weight
  • Take time off work
  • Arrange for transportation and childcare
  • Adjust your current medications or start taking new ones
  • Get a medical evaluation or lab testing
Running along the beach with mom

Is the Mommy Makeover Done All at One Time?

It’s common to perform the procedures in a mommy makeover at one time. Scheduling one surgical date has many benefits, including a lower cost and a shorter total recovery time.

However, there are situations where it makes sense to space out the mommy makeover. For example, a woman may choose to get breast augmentation and then return for a tummy tuck.

Your ideal surgical timing can depend on your goals and other factors. During your consultation, you can learn whether it makes sense to complete your entire mommy makeover at one time.

Contact Our Plastic Surgeon in Scottsdale Today

To schedule your mommy makeover procedures, we will need to first book your consultation. In this appointment, we will discuss your desires, needs, and health to determine what would be the best options for you. Our goal is to help you to be comfortable and confident with your decisions.

Dr. John Corey of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery serves clients in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Gilbert, Mesa, and other nearby Arizona areas. Our team is looking forward to hear from you, so please contact us today at 480.767.7700. Or, you can fill out the contact form on this page and we will call you back at your convenience.

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To find out if you are a good candidate for plastic surgery in Scottsdale, AZ at our practice call 480-767-7700. We proudly provide cosmetic surgery and other services for Arizonans from across the Metro Area and the entire state, including Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler and Gilbert.

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