Tummy Tuck Risks

When performed by a highly experienced board certified plastic surgeon, a tummy tuck is very safe and can achieve beautiful results. However, as with any surgical procedure there are certain risks associated with a tummy tuck. While complications are rare, it is important to be aware of these risks before moving forward with your procedure.

Potential risks associated with a tummy tuck include:

  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs)
  • Blood clots in the legs
  • Infection
  • Respiratory complications

Dr. Corey will explain these risks in detail during your tummy tuck consultation. Keep in mind that these complications are extremely rare. In most instances, tummy tuck surgeries are completed safely and without any issues.

The following tips will further reduce your risk of complications:

  • Follow all of Dr. Corey’s pre- and post-operative instructions very carefully
  • Quit smoking at least two weeks prior to surgery and throughout the tummy tuck recovery period since smoking can impair your body’s ability to heal properly
  • Avoid overexposure to the sun in your abdominal region
  • Avoid an overly stringent diet
  • Get plenty of rest and eat a balanced diet leading up to and immediately following surgery

Please contact Dr. John Corey today to schedule your tummy tuck consultation. Dr. Corey serves patients in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona.

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