There’s an App for That

Apps can be helpful in planning your breast augmentation procedure. To learn more, call Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. John Corey at <strong><a data-cke-saved-href=breast augmentation results may look like? There’s an app for that. Rather, there are several apps for that – some of which can give you a fairly accurate idea of how various plastic surgery procedures will make you look. Please keep in mind that as fun – and even informative – as these apps may be, they are not a good replacement for a one-on-one consultation with an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon. They can, however, give you something to bring to your initial consultation that may give Dr. Corey a visual idea of what you hope to achieve.

Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

Brining pictures – via app or from other sources – of what you find attractive can be very useful in the planning of your breast augmentation procedure. Pictures can be used in combination with Dr. Corey’s own evaluation of your natural curves and dimensions, and assist in his suggestions regarding breast implant type, location, and size – all of which will impact the final results of your procedure.

While these apps can help you understand how breast augmentation will impact the appearance of your upper body, many are advertising tools that can be very misleading. Dr. Corey can help you separate accomplishable goals from deceptive advertising techniques to ensure you fully understand both the benefits and limitations of breast augmentation.

To schedule your breast augmentation consultation, please contact John J. Corey, MD online or by calling 480-767-7700 today. Located in Scottsdale, our board-certified plastic surgeon welcomes women living throughout Arizona.

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To find out if you are a good candidate for plastic surgery in Scottsdale, AZ at our practice call 480-767-7700. We proudly provide cosmetic surgery and other services for Arizonans from across the Metro Area and the entire state, including Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler and Gilbert.

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