Who operates on these people? We’ve all seen them, people who have had so much plastic surgery that they look scary! People who looked really good…about 5 surgeries ago! I have a revolving list of celebs that get named routinely when prospective patients tell me what they DON’T want to look like. I can’t tell you here (email me..) but I think this happens through a combination of ego (on both the doctor and patient), flattery, coercion, and loss of perspective. Ok and maybe some greed as well. Now sometimes you have to do what the client wants. Interior designers face this when their clients insist on having bead doorways, but at some point you have to draw the line. Certainly when it comes to safety, it’s easier to draw the line. But when there simply is not a good indication for surgery other than the patient just wants to…then things get more blurry. We have all heard about body dysmorphic syndrome, where like Anorexia, patients simply do not see themselves like the rest of the world sees them. But even with that, ultimately no one is forcing the doctor to make that incision and the goal I have for my patients is pretty simple: I like it when you’re not really sure if someone has had plastic surgery. They look different, but not too different, and they look better…not worse.