Liposuction Recovery

If you have questions about liposuction recovery, call board-certified Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. John Corey at <strong><a data-cke-saved-href=liposuction will vary from other patients based on factors including your body’s natural healing ability, the type of liposuction you have had, the area or areas of the body that were treated, and your dedication to following Dr. Corey’s pre and postoperative instructions. Prior to your liposuction procedure Dr. Corey will carefully review instructions and help you better understand what you can expect during your recovery period.

To schedule your liposuction consultation at our Scottsdale, Arizona office, please call 480-767-7700 today.

Dr. Corey utilizes advanced liposuction techniques that can greatly reduce trauma to surrounding tissue and make recovery both faster and less restrictive. However, it is always best to assume you will need to take at least some time off from work and more demanding activities following liposuction. Many activities can be resumed within a few short days or weeks, but vigorous exercise and other more physical efforts may need to be avoided for up to six weeks. Dr. Corey will work directly with you to help you determine when it is best to resume these types of activities.

Swelling, bruising, and other aesthetic imperfections may be present for one to two months. These can be reduced by following Dr. Corey’s pre and postoperative instructions, wearing a compression garment, and keeping incisions clean. Full instructions will be provided before your liposuction procedure.

Dr. Corey is a board-certified plastic surgeon who cares deeply about the safety and satisfaction of our patients. During your initial consultation he can begin discussing these things to help you better understand what your liposuction recovery will be like.

To schedule your consultation, please contact John J. Corey, MD today. Located in Scottsdale, we welcome patients from  Phoenix, Chandler, and throughout Arizona.

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To find out if you are a good candidate for plastic surgery in Scottsdale, AZ at our practice call 480-767-7700. We proudly provide cosmetic surgery and other services for Arizonans from across the Metro Area and the entire state, including Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler and Gilbert.

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