Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Corey recently added Latisse to the many skin care and aesthetic products we now offer at our office and all I have to say is I am officially impressed! It is hands down one of the most reliable treatments we offer to patients. Not only are my eyelashes now fabulous and voluptuous, time and time again patients who also use the product blow me away with their amazing dark, thick, and beautiful long lashes. I think part of its popularity is also the relatively low price tag, $120 for a 2 month supply.
Latisse is the only prescription treatment for eyelash growth that is FDA approved and is only available at doctors’ offices, such as Dr. Corey’s. Besides making the lashes longer and fuller, Latisse also makes them darker, which sets it apart from other brands.
Here are some helpful hints to get the most bang for your buck………The brushes that come with it are too thick and can suck up a lot of product so I found it helpful to use a thin makeup brush of some kind or you can thin out the ones provided by cutting some of the outer bristles.
Another tip, I think you can actually use Latisse less frequently then daily and maintain results. I found that once I felt like I achieved a good clinical result I tried every other or every third day for application. Rationing the medication like that can make a single bottle extend for 3-4 months instead of 2 without much diminishing results. A good cosmetic budgeting strategy in these times!
We have found Latisse to be an excellent product with limited side effects when used correctly. One question I get asked frequently is, “Does it change the color of your eye”? Regarding eye color change, when used as a glaucoma medication (different dosage and applied directly into the eye) 3 out of thousands of patients noticed that green or hazel eyes got darker – of particular note none of the three patients thought the change was significant enough to stop using the medication. And this was NOT seen in the Latisse trial. This is not to say that it can’t happen – I just think we should be clear on the facts. Latisse is also a prostaglandin analogue similar to the drug bimatoprost used in the treatment of glaucoma. Because of this another potential side effect includes darkening of eyelid skin which is usually reversible once the drug is stopped.
The fact of the matter is three people this week asked me if I was wearing fake eyelashes! I have been using Latisse for almost three months. I’m a believer, it’s amazing the difference it makes.